Legislation and Advocacy for Pollinators
This page showcases key bills and initiatives across the region that protect pollinators and will have updates and action alerts about pending legislation.
The Pollinator Pathway advocates for legislation and policies that,
directly or indirectly, support pollinator health.
Pesticides, as well as other toxic chemicals that leach into air, soil and
water, are sources of harm to pollinators as well as to ourselves. All
Plastic, for example, and other waste that is not recycled is either
incinerated or sent to landfills, polluting air and soil.
A major Pollinator Pathway focus is the state-by-state movement to
restrict or ban Neonicotinoids or “neonics,” neurotoxic pesticides
linked directly to massive bee and insect losses around the globe and,
increasingly, to vast water and soil contamination, ecosystem-wide harms, and human health concerns. Cornell University research reveals that the neonic uses that pose the greatest threats to bees are also those that provide little-to-no benefits to users or are easily replaceable with safer alternatives.
One way neonics enter the environment is via pesticide-coated seeds. This Xerces article explains why we need to advocate for policy restricting coated seeds: When Voluntary Action Isn’t Enough: The Case For Regulating Pesticide-Coated Seed.
Download and please share this factsheet on neonics!
Watch this webinar to learn more about how neonics affect pollinators and people.
And see below to find out what your state is doing.
Here is a map of towns that have passed local pesticide restrictions. For examples of municipal actions and ordinances that you may wish to see taken up in your own town or city, click the purple link below. If your town, county, or state has legislation that should be listed, please let us know by emailing info@pollinator-pathway.org.​

Municipal rights to set pesticide policy are under attack at the national level, though! Congressional bill H.R. 7266 would preempt and nullify the local ordinances we are all working on passing.
Tell your U.S. Representative and Senators HERE to support communities by opposing H.R. 7266 and supporting the Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act (PACTPA), which contains a provision affirming local authority to restrict pesticides.
State Laws Protecting Pollinators from Neonics
2023 Bill passes to make neonics "restricted use," they can only be used by
licensed applicators. The law also directs the Department of Pesticide
Regulation (DPR) to complete a reevaluation of outdoor, non-agricultural
neonic uses, which could result in additional restrictions in the future.
2022 The California legislature passed AB 2146, a bill that would prohibit lawn
and garden uses of neonicotinoid pesticides, but Governor Gavin
Newsom refused to sign this critical bill into law.
2023 neonics become 'restricted use,' only licensed applicators can apply them.
In 2022, 2023 and 2024 CT raised but failed to pass bills to ban neonic use on
lawns and ornamental landscapes despite wide support from state legislators. Please
download and share this factsheet for Connecticut.
2022 bans the use of the neurotoxin pesticide chlorpyrifos on golf courses
(where 80% of use occurred) but dropped the part of the bill that would have
banned neonics from non-agricultural uses.
2016 passes the Pollinator Protection Act which classifies neonics as
"restricted use," barring them from retail sale and only allowing use by certified
applicators. Connecticut helped lead the way in 2016.
2021 passes a landmark law directing the Board of Pesticides Control To
Prohibit the Use of Certain Neonicotinoids for Outdoor Residential Use. This law goes beyond restricted use and bars neonics from residential properties.
2016 passes the Pollinator Protection Act making neonics "resticted use," barring them from retail sale and only allowing use by certified applicators. Maryland helped lead the way early on.
2021 neonics designated as "resticted use," barring them from retail sale and only allowing use by certified applicators.
2023 Minnesota passed a bill to ban neonics on state lands managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This law protects over 5.6 million acres of land, including state parks, forests, aquatic management areas, and wildlife management areas. passed a ban on neonic use on public lands.
2023 with broad bi-partisan support, Nevada enacts legislation to ban outdoor, non-agricultural uses of neurotoxic neonic pesticides. The effort was led by local organizations including Reno Food Systems, Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter, and many more, with support from NRDC’s pollinator team. More info here.
New Jersey
2022 landmark bill passes which goes beyond restricted use to prohibit outdoor non-agricultural neonic uses, targeting lawn and turf uses by homeowners and professionals.
New York
2023 New Yorkers passed the Birds and Bees Protection Act which will place a ban on the use of neonics on ornamental plants and turf grass and on the sale or purchase of neonic-treated corn, soybean, and wheat seeds, which represent 73% of the neonics used in NY State agriculture. Now the bill will go to Governor Hochul's desk to be signed! Please ask her to sign TODAY! Please sign this petition and share it. Download the petition here.
2022 neonics become restricted use and were banned from retail sales.
Rhode Island
In 2022 a bill passed designating neonics as "resticted use," barring them from retail sale and only allowing use by certified applicators. It also prohibits their use on any linden or basswood tree, or to any plant when it is blossoming.
2024 A supermajority vote of the Vermont House and Senate overrode the Governor's veto to enact H 706 which prohibits the use of most neonic-coated seeds, use of neonics on any agricultural crop in bloom, and most uses on ornamental plants.
2019 neonics become restricted use, meaning only licensed applicators may apply them, and are banned from retail sales
Please thank your Vermont legislators: click here to find them.
2024 neonics become restricted use pesticides, meaning only licensed applicators may apply them and they are banned from retail sales with passage of SB 5972.

Please Send Us Updates and Information from Your State to Add to this Page!