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1200 Boylston Street | Fenway Victory Gardens

The planting palette was carefully chosen to show how beautiful a pollinator garden can be. Most plants are native to the northeast with some garden varieties that provide an abundance of nectar and pollen. Grasses and decomposing stumps can be found scattered throughout to enhance the ecological benefits by providing shelter to our native insects.
Plantings include...
Black Cohosh
Anise Hyssop
Ornamental Onion
Blackhawks Big Bluestem
Wild Columbine
Goats Beard
Swamp Milkweed
Butterfly weed
Lancelead coreopsis
Purple Coneflower
Rattlesnake Master
Hollow Joe-Pye weed
Blazing Star
Blazing Star
Cardinal Flower
Bee Balm
Spotted Beebalm
Golden groundsel
Black Eyed Susan
Little bluestem
ZigZag Goldenrod
Fireworks Goldenrod
Seaside Goldenrod
Blue Wood Aster
New England Aster
Virginia Spiderwort
NY Ironweed
Culvers Root
Golden Alexanders
Virginia Bluebells
Yellow Trout-lily

1200 Boylston Street | Fenway Victory Gardens
1200 Boylston Street | Fenway Victory Gardens
1200 Boylston Street | Fenway Victory Gardens
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