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425 Rockland Road

Norway Spruce, Magnolia tripelata, eastern hemlock, eastern white pine, eastern red cedar, sasafras, eastern red bud, choke cherries, white and red oak, birch Sp., winterberry, beauty berry, high and low blueberry, dogwood, black haw viburnum, clethra, bayberry, rhododendron, mountain laurel, service berry, cutleaf coneflower, wood asters, cananda mayflowers, carex sp., cananda anemone, turtle head, monarda sp., plox sp., blue lobelia, cardinal flower, jewel weed, violets, comfrey, red twig dogwood, feverfew, rubekia sp., foam flowers, liatris sp., blue vervain, snake root, bowmans root, golden rod, milkweed butterfly and sp., columbine, ferns many sp., jack in the pulpit, trillium, goldenseal, yellow aster, st. johns wort, clematis sp., cone flowers, digitalis (yellow), anemone sp., spotted wintergreen, partridge berry, club moss, black cohosh, agastache sp., violets, wild strwberry, solomon seal, astilbe, yarrow, mint sp.,, sweet fern, bleeding heart, wild ginger, peones, hostas, lenten rose, turtle head, honey suckle, red twigged dogwood, white avens, more that I don't know the names of.spiderwort, sun chokes,

425 Rockland Road
425 Rockland Road
425 Rockland Road
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