8600 NE 117th Ave
Achillea millefolium, Clarkia amoena, Collinsia grandiflora, Collomia grandiflora, Eriophyllum lanatum, Gilia capitata, Grinelia integrifolia, Madia elegans, Phacelia nemoralis, etc.
Given the large footprint of our community solar site, leveraging for its potential environmental benefits was an easy decision. Taking out the lawn, which required mowing and weed control and replacing it with a native meadow mix turned a lifeless site into a haven buzzing with biodiversity. Now this meadow becomes extremely valuable habitat, providing floral resources, nesting sites and a protected environment for many native bee species, moths and butterflies, and other insects. In addition, many birds and some amphibians also thrive on the food and shelter that a meadow ecosystem provides.