Pollinator Pathway

The Town of Sharon, CT has joined the Pollinator Pathway, an initiative to create corridors of pesticide-free habitat and safe food sources for pollinating insects, birds, and other wildlife. As an initial step, the Sharon Energy and Environment Commission (SEEC) has linked with Sharon Audubon (home to a pollinator garden) and Sharon Land Trust to create pollinator friendly habitat in the town of Sharon, CT. We are now looking for private residents of the town who will committee to eschewing pesticides, controlling invasive plants which are dangerous to pollinators, and planting and conserving native plants that are favorable to pollinators in an effort to expand the Pollinator Pathway in our area. As more residential and (even commercial) properties join this effort, quality habitat is created, allowing pollinators to proliferate. Please befriend these creatures that make life on earth possible and beautiful by becoming a new member of the Sharon Pollinator Pathway.
Town Gardens

Meadows in Sharon, CT

Habitat for Pollinators at Sharon Audubon
New residential members of the Pollinator Pathway are eligible to receive a free consultation from a member of Sharon Energy and Environment Commission on how to encourage pollinators on their properties. To learn more, please contact SEEC at seecct@gmail.com.
Sharon Energy & Environment Commission (SEEC), Sharon Audubon, Sharon Land Trust