A New Approach to Pollinator Habitat That Starts in Your Yard
Fri, Oct 14
Doug Tallamy, University of Delaware Pollinators’ Best Hope presents a 60 minute webinar on A New Approach to Pollinator Habitat that Starts in Your Yard
Time & Location
Oct 14, 2022, 10:00 AM
About the event
Please click this URL to join. https://osu.zoom.us/w/99207965007?tk=N403cPqEuvUK5NZHQtpgk1GFa17kTQBd9Ge0ur5HWlE.DQMAAAAXGUFpTxZOb2pQWWV6elJodVNxcVJmZF83eWl3AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=TW1ZZnlDaTdDTStxNlJTUUQzaUhQQT09
Password: 803393
Description: Free, weekly webinars from October 14th through November 11th. All sessions are on Fridays at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. The same link will allow you to join each session. Details, suggested readings and recordings will be posted on our PH101 website: https://u.osu.edu/pollinators101/
10/14: Doug Tallamy, University of Delaware Pollinators’ Best Hope: A New Approach to Pollinator Habitat That Starts in Your Yard
10/21: Harland Patch, Penn State University Creating Pollinator Gardens: the Role of Plant Choice and Design
10/28: Heather Holm, Author and Biologist Creating and Managing Habitat for Native Bees
11/4: Matthew Shepherd, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Deciding To Create A Pollinator Garden Is The Easy Step -- What To Do Next?
11/11: Shana Byrd, The Dawes ArboretumGetting Started with Wildflower Patches, Flower Strips, and Meadows
This program is funded in part by a USDA/NIFA Integrated Pest Management Pollinator Health grant. Coordinated by Denise Ellsworth, OSU Department of Entomology. This event will be presented with automated closed captions. If you wish to request traditional CART services or other accommodations, please contact Denise Ellsworth at ellsworth.2@osu.edu. Requests made by 10/10/22 will allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.