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Newsflash: The Warblers are Coming!

April for most of us means the exciting return of brightly colored warblers, “the butterflies of the bird world,” who undertake a perilous migration northward every spring from their wintering grounds in Central and South America. These small songbirds are following the “Green Wave” of spring tree leaf-out, which brings with it the insects they depend on as their food source. 

Planting insect-attracting keystone native plants can make your yard into a “re-fueling station" to help warblers and other migrating birds on their long journeys. Check out these simple steps you can take in your own yard.

Photo of male Yellow Warbler by Karalyn Lamb

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This is fascinating! I had no idea that native bees were even more efficient at pollinating blueberries than Honey Bees. The whole process of buzz pollination sounds so unique and specialized. It's incredible how nature has designed these bees to work so perfectly with the bell-shaped blueberry flowers. basket random

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