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1380 Winchell Street

Black Walnut trees, Hackberry, American Elm, Trumpet Vine, River Grape, Red Elder, Chokecherry, Black Currant, Missouri Gooseberry, Giant Solomon's Seal, White Snakeroot, Ginger, Virginia Waterleaf, Black Raspberry, Violets, Woodland Sunflower, Prairie Rose, Common Sunflower, Butterflyweed, Wild Onion, Prairie Smoke, Hyssop, Beebalm, Sneezeweed, Showy Goldenrod, New England Aster, Coneflower, Bottlebrush Grass, Fox Grass, Little Bluestem, Sideoats Grama.

1380 Winchell Street
1380 Winchell Street
1380 Winchell Street
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