288 Eastern St
Trees: Poplar, Red Maple, Chokecherry, Crab Apple, Royal Oak, Pin Oak, Hawthorn, Redbud
Shrubs: Spicebush, Serviceberry, Inkberry,Black Pussy Willow. Clethra (2 kinds)
Perennials: Creeping Phlox, Woodland Phlox, Garden Phlox, New England Aster (2 varieties), Woodland Aster, MILKWEED (Common, Swamp, Butterfly weed), foam flower, pussy toes, Boneset, Cardinal Flower, Red Monarda, Spotted Bee Balm, Joe Pye Weed, Comfrey, Grey dogwood, NY Ironweed, Goldenrod (3 varieties), Agastache, Black Eyed Susan, Echinacea, Balloon Flower, Foxglove Beardtongue, Catmint, Mountain Mint, Buttonbush, Tickweed trefoil, swamp mallow, sunflower, evening primrose, coreopsis (2 kinds), chokeberry
Herbs: Parsley, Fennel
Bulbs & Annuals: Marigolds, Daffodils, Iris, Gladiola
Grasses (3 kinds along creekbank)
These are the ones I can name off the top of my head. There are others.