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41 High Pasture Circle

Pin oak, white oak, Bear Oak, silver maple, sugar maple, red maple, american plum, beach plum, willow, crap apple, hemlock, paw paw, flowering dogwood, grey dogwood, red twig dogwood, chokecherry, black chokeberry, Serviceberry, Shellbark Hickory, American Beech, River Birch, Winterberry, Goldenrod, Sunflower, Erigeron pulchellus ‘Lynhaven Carpet, Goatsbeard, Black Cohosh, goldenrod, spice bush, summer sweet, buttonbush, nanyberry, elderberry, aster, milkweed, inkberry, fern, blueberry, rashberry, beebalm, cardinal flower, nodding onion, mountain mint, yarrow, joe pye weed, beardstongue, white snakeroot, witchhazel, golden ragwort, wild columbine, wild strawberry, big bluestem, switch grass, indian grass, pensilvania sedge, beautyberry, NJ tea, sea oats, rose, indigo, Great Blue Lobelia,

41 High Pasture Circle
41 High Pasture Circle
41 High Pasture Circle
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