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447 Greenleaf Drive

1 Shingle oak, 3 Sweet gum trees, 2 Eastern Cedar trees, 1 Flowering dogwood, 1 Serviceberry, 1 Ozark witchhazel tree, 3 Arrowwood viburnum, native Elderberry along one fence, 4 Buttonbush, 2 Ninebark, 2 Smooth hydrangea, several different native goldenrod, Swamp and common milkweed, Missouri primrose, White snake root, Aromatic sumac, native ginger, little and big blue stem grass, Grey coneflower, Boneset, Heart-leaved Alexander, New England asters, Sand phlox, Indian pink, Downy skullcap, Coral honeysuckle, purple violets, Blue mist flower, Persicaria virginiana, Bee balm, Obedient plant, Smooth phlox, Purple poppy mallow, Rose verbena, Ostrich ferns, Hairy mountain mint and Slender mountain mint, River oats, Jewel weed, Virginia bluebells, 2 Mayapples, Joe Pye weed, Shining blue star, Clethra alnifolia, Bottlebrush grass, Honeyvine, 2 Spicebush, Blue false indigo, Wingstem (verbasina alternifolia), 3 American bittersweet vines, Littleflower alumroot, Morrow's sdegegrass, native Columbine, 1 Smooth sumac, Packera obovata, Tickseed coreopsis, Rattlesnake master, Star tickseed, Pussytoes, Celendine poppies, 4 Salvia azurea, 3 Willow-leaved sunflowers, Purple coneflowers, 1 Shrubby St. John's wort, 1 Cup plant, Wild strawberry, 1 native Beautyberry,

447 Greenleaf Drive
447 Greenleaf Drive
447 Greenleaf Drive
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