13 Elmwood Dr
Mountain laurel, Winterberry, Elderberry, Arrowood Viburnum, Red Cardinal Flower, Bee Balm, Coneflower, Black Eyed Susans, Tobacco Plant, False Idigo, Butterfly Weed and Whorled Milkweed, Gray Goldenrod, New England Asters, Anenome (to name a few!)

Planted a pollinator garden on the corner of my lot. I'm in the process of removing non native plants and replacing them with native plants in a larger area that was once grass and is now all garden. Planted native mountain laurel as foundation shrubs. Planted Elderberry, Winterberry and Arrowood Viburnum for the birds. My neighbor recently planted several Eastern Red Cedar trees along our shared border which will support a variety of wildlife. I've been able to convince a few neighbors to stop using lawn chemicals. I leave mulched oak leaves on my grass as a natural fertilizer (my neighbor has a huge tree and I welcome his leaves in the Fall.) I also spread them around my foundation to help bugs survive the winter, providing another food source for birds. I have a bird bath (with heater for the winter) and change the water daily. I'm rewarded with a great variety of visitors throughout the year. I've also added some bee cups to my gardens as a water source for bees and butterflies 🦋