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6678 Buck Creek Rd

Oak trees (Sawtooth, Chestnut, Chinkapin, Northern Red, White, Swamp White, Overcup, Bur, Cherry Bark, Pin, Willow, Shumard, Post). Cherry, poplar, Kentucky coffee, beech, pecan, red bud, hornbeam, walnut, white walnut, eastern cedar, holly, sycamore, bald cypress, pawpaw, cottonwood, etc. Bushes: spice, button bush, hazelnut, oakleaf hydrangea, and pussy willow. Plants: common milkweed, rose/swamp milkweed, butterfly weed, New England aster, ironweed, sky blue aster, lance leaf coreopsis, rattlesnake master, Solomon's seal, river oats, Dutchman's pipevine, wild stonecrop, blue and white indigo, purple coneflowers, etc.

6678 Buck Creek Rd
6678 Buck Creek Rd
6678 Buck Creek Rd
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