80 Joshuas Way
Pitch pine, scarlet oak, white oak, redcedar, black cherry, gray birch, shadbush, summersweet, highbush blueberry, black chokeberry, bayberry, sweetfern, arrowwood, winterberry, inkberry, common blue violet, Canada mayflower, PA sedge, white woodaste

We bought this house in 2023 and moved in late summer/early fall. About half of the property is pitch pine, white oak, scarlet oak woodland with some black cherry and eastern redcedar. The house is on a hill with a shell drive near street level curving up to the garage under the house. The fenced dog yard in back (top of the hill) is largely moss and now-unfertilized lawn, with shrub border of Rhododendron (not sure what variety) and non-native Leland Cypress underplanted with a few Tiarella and Canada Mayflower along with non-native Lily-of-the Valley. There is a burning bush which I plan to remove and replace with a native in the fall.
The steeply sloped front yard was landscaped by the prior owners with lawn surrounding beds of hydrangeas (macrophylla and paniculata), conventional ornamental conifers, hostas, iris, catmint, Japanese maple, lilacs, Montauk daisy and ornamental non-native grasses. These are still present, though I have plans to replace some of them. On the right side of the property, substantial over-growth of English Ivy climbing the trees along the driveway has been removed and replaced with native white wood aster and several arrowwood viburnum. Hay-scented fern will be added when plugs become available. On the left side of the front yard, a large patch of the sloped lawn bordering the woods has recently been replaced with rain-garden swales planted with native shrubs, trees, grasses and perennials.