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Naples and Gibbs Garden

Naples and Gibbs Garden
Naples and Gibbs Garden
Naples and Gibbs Garden

Located on the corner of Gibbs St and Naples St in Coolidge Corner, this garden was inspired by the garden being planned at the Lincoln School. Planted in May 2023 by volunteers from the neighborhood, Lawton Park Community Garden, and the Pollinator Pathways group, it is cared for by residents on Gibbs St. The Brookline Division of Parks and Open Spaces were incredibly helpful with the planning, turning over the ground to prep the site, and supplying compost and mulch and many of the plants. The remaining plants were supplied by a neighborhood condo association, and a spigot was installed in a nearby building for watering. The sign and painted rocks were created by kids at Florida Ruffin Ridley School. The garden includes the following plants: Bee Balm, White Coneflower, Carolina Rose, Black-eyed Susan, Showy Goldenrod, Butterfly Weed, Prairie Dropseed, Shenandoah Switchgrass

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