Pollinator Pathway
Lamoille County

Lamoille County is experiencing rapid population growth and property development of land that once fed birds, bees, butterflies, bats, and other “pollinators.” Pollinator Pathway of Lamoille County (PPLC) partners with like-minded groups and individuals to support their plummeting numbers, because their survival is essential to ours. PPLC members are collaborating with schools, municipalities, homeowners, renters, nonprofits, and business owners on planting projects. We offer knowledge, tools, and technical help for the public. While all flowers feed wildlife, the key is choosing native species that our native pollinators evolved to feed on. From a minimum of two potted native plants to acres of native plants, we can close the gap between feeding way stations for our pollinators in Lamoille County and beyond.
PPLC embraces the towns of Cambridge, Eden, Hyde Park, Johnson, Morristown, and Stowe. Formed in 2022, we were sponsored by the Lamoille County Conservation District (LCCD) in 2023 and meet the third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 PM to hear speakers and to plan and review projects. PPLC meeting dates/times, locations, agendas and minutes are posted on the LCCD calendar at https://www.lcnrcd.com/calendar. Most meetings are hybrid in person and on zoom to make it easier for members across the county to attend. Students are welcome! We want everyone to feel that they can make an impact – and to have a ton of fun in the meantime.

PROJECT Review and updates
In 2022 and 2023 PPLC helped to: revitalize the Copley Rock Garden at Oxbow Park in Morrisville and created the educational garden at the Rail Trail Kiosk. Maintained a plot at the Oxbow’s Community Garden for overflow plantings of keystone perennials through 2024, weathering the second of two floods.
Tabling events in 2023 were Morrisville’s Roctoberfest (October) and the VT Pumpkin Chucking Festival (September)in Stowe.
In 2024 we helped the LCCD plant riparian buffer zones along the Lamoille River at10 Bends community in Hyde Park, Valley Dream Farm in Cambridge, Lake Eden, and at Morrisville’s Oxbow Park. Additionally, native plant garden tours were conducted in Waterbury and Hyde Park.
An ongoing speaker and workshop series open to the public has covered themes such as:
· Neonicotinoids and the Pollinator Protection Bill H. 706.
· Springtime natives and ephemerals.
· Plants for rain garden bioretention.
· Pollinator Garden Preparation: Solarizing demonstration.
· Converting lawn to Wildflowers, wildflower maintenance, and Wildflower Garden in a Pot

Photo Credit: Wesley Skidmore

Morrisville community garden at 257 Portland St.
This plot contains asters, common daisies (Bellis perennis), foxglove (digitalis purpurea), cone flower (Echinacea), cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), low-bush blueberry, and comfrey.
The Community Garden plot holds native species we are saving for future joint projects by PPLC and MACC (Morrisville Alliance for Culture and Commerce). These include the Copley Rock garden at the entrance to the Oxbow and the Kiosk Garden where V-Trans and the Rail Trail come together beside the river.
Condolences go out to all the gardens destroyed during the recent flooding.

Copley Rock Garden and Kiosk Garden
The Copley Rock garden, lovingly planted by MACC and PPLC members in 2023 and then partly destroyed by flooding, has been rehabilitated.
The nearby Kiosk garden is located just outside Oxbow Park, where the V-Trans and Rail Trails meet in a 30' zone overlooking the Lamoille River. In 2023 MACC members did an inventory of native plants in early spring and launched a pruning party to shape what will be an educational garden and resting spot for trail hikers and shoppers at surrounding businesses. Fruit trees and berry bushes planted by MACC members in 2023 are flanked by a colorful collection of birdfeeders. The kiosk now provides seating and educational signage. Look for PPLC's brochure at the Kiosk.

Hyde Park Projects
Elsa French Park in Hyde Park erupts in a wildflower mix rich with poppies, bachelor's buttons, and other annuals underplanted in 2022 with perennials planted by Bee The Change and the Hyde Park Energy Committee. Keep an eye out for a cozy bench at the end of the winding mulch path.
Plant Shopping: Below is a short list of When shopping for native plants in and close to Lamoille County.
1. Morrisville, VT: Cady's Falls GardenNote: Was a nursery but is now a garden open to the public. Specializes in rare native plants, shrubs, and trees.
Address: 637 Duhamel Road, Morrisville, VT 05661
E-mail: avery@vtusa.net
Website: cadysfallsgarden.com
Hours: 10 AM - 5 PM by donation.
2. Jeffersonville, VT: The Farm BetweenNote: Self-described "Certified organic fruit farm and nursery that specializes in hardy and regionally appropriate fruit trees, etc."
Phone: 802-355-2000
E-mail: farmbetween@gmail.com
Address: 3727 VT-15, Jeffersonville, VT
Spring Hours (late April through May): 9-5 Fri.-Sun. or by appointment.
Summer & Fall Hours (June through October).
3. Greensboro Bend, VT: Lynette's Native Plants, Etc.Note: Native plants, shrubs, trees, etc.
Website: nativeplantsetc.com
Phone: 802-533-9836
Address: 281 The Bend Rd, Greensboro Bend, VT 05842
Hours: Fri. 10 AM - 4 PM; Sat. - 10 AM - 4 PM. Sun. & Mon. - by appointment only.
4. Wolcott, VT: Elmore Roots NurseryNote: "Specializes in specializes in cold-hardy fruit trees, nut trees and berry bushes."
Phone: 802-888-7668
E-mail: fruitpal@elmoreroots.com
Address: 759 Symonds Mill Road, Wolcott, VT 05680
Spring Hours: Tues. - Fri. - 10 AM to 5:30 PM. Sat. - closed. Mon. - Closed. Sun. - 10 AM to 5:30 PM.
Summer & Fall Hours: Sun. - 10 AM to 4 PM; Mon.: Closed. Tues.: Closed. Wed.-Fri.: 10 AM - 4:00 PM; Sat.: Closed.
Learn more about native plants here - https://www.pollinator-pathway.org/native-plants
Our Partners
Lamoille County Conservation District
Stowe Land Trust
Morrisville Community Gardens
Morrisville Alliance for Culture and Commerce
Hyde Park Energy Committee
Vermont NRCS