Pollinator Pathway

Students plant a native garden at Hawes School.

Homeowner's pollinator waystation. Photo by J. Epiphan.

Students plant a native garden at Hawes School.
Yes, we can address the rapid disappearance of pollinators! Our vision is a community crisscrossed with corridors of pesticide-free waystations for butterflies, bees, and birds. From flowerpots and pocket gardens to mini-meadows, from private to municipal properties, Ridgewood can be a haven of thriving wildlife.
We imagine a future when lawns are smaller, replaced by pollinator-friendly trees, shrubs, and perennials, and our children can watch butterflies during the day and fireflies at night. To realize this dream, we encourage sustainable land management: native plantings, removal of invasives, avoiding all pesticides, including organics (which can smother pollinator eggs and affect reproduction), and leaving leaf litter. And pollinators will benefit if we all rethink our lawns (see suggestions here).
Working together, we will live in harmony with the ecosystems that sustain us. Ridgewood's Pollinator Pathway initiative has just begun, with wide enthusiasm and several gardens already planted! We encourage everyone to join us, both here and in bordering communities.
Please register your property and spread the word!
Learn More: Download the Ridgewood Pollinator Pathway Brochure
Contact: ridgewood.pp@gmail.com
Check our Facebook page for gardening information, updates and news about plant sales.
Partner Organizations
Native Plant Society of New Jersey/Bergen Passaic Chapter, Village of Ridgewood, Green Ridgewood/Green Team, Ridgewood Public Library