Pollinator Pathway

Tolland Pollinator Pathway is a partnership between Tolland Garden Paths and the Tolland Conservation Commission. We are a part of the larger undertaking to create a corridor of adjacent properties—private residences and public spaces—that provide safe habitat for birds, bees, butterflies and other insects. Our goal is to make Tolland one big pollinator pathway with private, commercial and municipal spaces being pesticide free and hosting native plants. Town garden spaces maintained by local groups can add native pollinators. Local landscape companies can as well. Many residents can take the pledge to incorporate native plants into their yards. These efforts can make a huge difference to our pollinator numbers and will help improve the quality of our Town's air, water and soil. We hope that you will join the fun!
Please email tollandpollinatorpathway24@gmail.com for more information.
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Wanat Senior Park Pollinator Garden
117 Sugar Hill Road, Tolland, CT 06084
Accessible garden with Connecticut native plants in a town conservation area