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1193 Old Clinton Rd.

mountain mint, purple coneflower, cardinal flower, goldenrod, asclepiss (3 types), new england asters (several types) , smooth hydrangea, white wood aster, ironweed, columbine, joe pye weed, wild ginger, foam flower, white yarrow, hyssop (anise), alium, angelica, jack in the pulpit, carolina allspice, thistle, redbud, turtlehead, bunchberry, coreopsis, penstemon, woodland sunflower, sawtooth sunflower, blue flag iris, mountain laurel, blue lobelia, monarda ( several types), evening primrose, phlox (several types), mock orange, may apple, christmas fern, rudbekias, salvia, meadow rue, lowbush blueberries, culver's root, cranberry viburnum

1193 Old Clinton Rd.
1193 Old Clinton Rd.
1193 Old Clinton Rd.
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