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120 Warren Rd

Penstemon, golden alexander, monarda fistula, ansonia, false indigo, sweetshrub, wild ginger, veronica, white wood aster, new england aster, anise hyssop, coneflower, cinquefeuille, various native ferns, northern sea oats.ferns k

120 Warren Rd
120 Warren Rd
120 Warren Rd

My garden is planted almost entirely with natives. I didn't know much about them until I moved into this house in 2012, when I got married. The plantings were there already and were a year old, so I have seen them grow. The lot is half sun, half shade, sometimes sunnier. I have learned so much about native plants by caring for my garden. We now have at least a half dozen kinds of bees in the garden and we see the pollination activity all the time during the warmer months. It is very gratifying. The more I work with native pants, the deeper my appreciation for them becomes.

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