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132 Queenston Drive

butterfly bushes. Yarrow, multiple Lavender and Black eyed Susan. Hostas, Anise Hyssop, Russian Sage, Azalea, Rhododendron, Hydrangeas, Red Delicious Apple, Reliance Peach, European Pear, Chicago Hardy and Turkish Figs, Sugar Maple trees. Black Elderberry and Red Current. Morninng Gory, Clemtis, Coral trumpet and invasive vining Honeysuckle, Shasta Daiseys and a few annuals per year. I grow organic. I forage my main garden from early spring to the beginning of summer. I became a functional herbalist to help with some serious health conditions, and it has afforded me an improved quality of life, so I treasure the many offerings that mother nature affords to me in the spring and I do not mow the grass until at least he last week of June for nearing 5 years. I have a specific small garden named The Pollinators Patch. A corner garden with plantings and items supporting the habitat for pollinators. I use pollinator "Puddlers" on my property . I know there are flowering plants in my designated Herb garden that are pollinator friendly also. I take the idea of supporting pollinators and organic gardening pretty seriously.I didn't bother to include foods that I grow that also flower.

132 Queenston Drive
132 Queenston Drive
132 Queenston Drive
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