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14 Margarite Rd

All listed are in ground planted perennials : catalpa, common milkweed, butterfly weed, day lilies, echinacea, assorted varieties lavender, assorted varieties iris, assorted varieties hydrangea, monarda, winterberry, coreopsis, assorted varieties columbine, bleeding heart, assorted varieties hosta, yarrow, montauk daisy, clematis, butterfly bush, dogwood, rhododendron, several varieties sedum, beach rose, crepe myrtle, lilac, anemone, hellebore, coral bell, several varieties rose of Sharon and wegelia, garden phlox, primrose, mountain laurel, creeping thyme, sage, fruit producing pear trees, strawberries, raspberries and hops. Lupine, variety of perennial tulips, hyacinth, daffodil and multiple rose bushes.

14 Margarite Rd
14 Margarite Rd
14 Margarite Rd
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