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14210 Dutch Cross Rd

Burr Oak, Quaking Aspen, bald cypress, swamp rose, smooth rose, river birch, New England aster, hairy mountain mint, grasslike goldenrod, rattlesnake master, purple cone flower, cup plant, wild red columbine, thimble weed, Christmas fern, Ohio goldenrod, showy goldenrod, anise hyssop, hairy mountain mint, hairy sunflower, button bush, pussy willow, smooth dogwood, rough dogwood, white swamp oak, red maple, sweet gum, plum tree, black chokeberry, black elderberry, eastern redbuds , Eastern red cedar, eastern white cedar, red stem dogwood, and American plum.

14210 Dutch Cross Rd
14210 Dutch Cross Rd
14210 Dutch Cross Rd

We have planted all of these within the 3yrs we’ve owned this house. Some plants are now established where most are still being established.

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