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155 Monument Road

Tupelo, Apple, Highbush Blueberry, Lowbush Blueberry, Black Cherry, Cedar, Pine, Oak, Maple, Holly, Rhododendron, Juniper, Lavender, Rose, Heath, Heather, Bearberry, Beach Plum, Daisy, Coneflower, Blackeyed Susan, Primrose, Aster, Goldenrod, etc.

155 Monument Road
155 Monument Road
155 Monument Road

We specialize in road, roof and hillside runoff capture and purification through deep organic matter rich terraces and rock based waterwalks that provide essential year protection and habitat along with copious subsoil moisture recharge eliminating all need for irrigation and fertilization. Zero pesticides are used. We overlook the Pilgrim Lake Herring Run and conservation lands.

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