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1616 Idlewood Ave.
Black Walnut, Cottonwood, River Birch, Pussy Willow, Service Berry, Summersweet, White Snakeroot, Jewel Weed, Poke Weed, Virginia Creeper, Violets, Dandelions, Purple & Yellow Coneflower, Milkweed, Smooth Aster, Little Bluestem, Nodding Onion, Black-eyed Susans, Joe Pye Weed, Shrubby St. John's Wort, Side Oats, White Turtlehead, False Blue Indigo, Blue Vervain, Shasta Daisy, Yarrow, Spiderwort, Dense Blazing Star, Goldenrod, Foxglove Beardtongue, and planting more every day!

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