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173 stone soup farm way

Oak (white and black), hickory, ilex glabra, ilex verticilata, button bush, blueberry, dewberry, zizia sutra, New England aster, goldenrods, blue eyed grass, wood aster, Heath aster, creeping phlox, swamp milkweed, common milkweed, butterfly weed, Virginia creeper, blood root, service berry, black cherry, choke cherry, hay scented ferms, Jack in the pulpit, hamamelis vernalis, prickly pear, NY ironweed, agastache, Virginia mountain mint, coreopsis, summer sweet, lonicera sempervirens, Virginia sweet spire, spirea Alba, spirea tomentosa, American Holly, red maple, poison ivy, Solomon’s seal, false Solomon’s seal, columbine,

173 stone soup farm way
173 stone soup farm way
173 stone soup farm way
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