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22 Lake St
Arrowood, Bayberry, % types of native Dogwood, Ceonothis,Fringetree,Native roses,Shrubby st. Johnswort, Sweetbay magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Witchhazel, Dierrvilla, Nannyberry Winged Sumac,Serviceberry,Winterberry,Elderberry,Growlow Sumac,Burr oak, Pin Oak,Lindera,Mapleleaf Viburnum,Bladdernut, Capons Carolina,Rubus odorata,Paw Paw, Redbud, American Plum, Buttonbush,Calycanthus, Chokecherry,Juniper Virginiana, Arena, Clethora,Sriped Maple, and many native perennials too many to mention.
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