2555 155th St
Gooseberry, wild cherry, dogwood, black walnut, pecan, 4 oak species, 5 asclepias species, spring beauty, dutchman's britches, may apple, prairie trillium, 2 goldenrods, golden alexander, monarda, Joe Pye weed, ironweed, 3 coneflower species,

We have had a Monarch Waystation(#17) since July 2005. It was indeed our backyard with 7 distinct beds of native plants with annuals added for additional nectar options & nostalgia. At that time on our 9 acres we also had some domestic livestock with pasture land. In the 20 years since then, our native plant area has grown while our domestic livestock numbers have decreased. We are in the process of converting the pasture directly infront of our house into patches or strips of native prairie plants while we add more native trees to our former back pasture. We have white oak, pine oak, swamp oak, black walnuts, sweetgum, pecan, flowering dogwood, and wild cherry trees along with a sycamore tree and domestic fruit trees. We have a variety of spring ephemeals in the woodland and marsh plants in our wetland area. We currently have 5 species of asclepias and multiple nectar sources blooming in spring, summer, and fall as well as other butterfly host plants.