2576 Bryden Rd
This small suburban yard is 97% native. It's packed with native plants to support our pollinators and protect the aesthetic that defines the Midwest.
The property features a combination of roughly 50 species of native plants, shrubs and one large pin oak tree. There are two gardens in the front yard, three in back, a large native garden in the alley as well as along a 100' fence.
The front gardens showcase: wild stonecrop, clustered mountain mint, wild geraniums, monarda, great blue lobelia, christmas fern, lyre leaf sage, bluestem goldenrod, anise hyssop, golden alexander, penstemon, virginia bluebells, swamp milkweed, green milkweed, northern bush honeysuckle, great white trillium, columbine, spicebush, seersucker sedge, anemone, woodmint, and meadow rue
The alley garden homes: Showy goldenrod, purple coneflower, cup plant, grey headed coneflower, giant ironweed, black eyed susans, brown eyed susans, mistflower, smooth blue aster, little blue stem, switch grass, ox eye sunflower, jewelweed, spiderwort, wild blue indigo, shrubby st johns wort, chokeberry, dense blazing star, monarda, violets, royal catchfly, and blue wood aster.
The backyard gardens contain: spotted joe pye weed, golden alexanders, wild blue indigo, mistflower, ostrich fern, jack in the pulpit, great blue lobelia, jacob’s ladder, clustered mountain mint, violets, bluestem goldenrod, dense blazing star, common milkweed, butterfly milkweed, smooth blue aster, aromatic aster, little bluestem, penstemon, blue eyed grass, foam flower, chokeberry, coralberry, spicebush, shrubby st johns wort, elderberry, redbuds, oak leaf hydrangea, seer sucker sedge, wild geranium, jewelweed, virginia waterleaf, wild ginger, black eyed susan, and wild hairy petunia