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2826 Thistle Court East

Scorpion Tail shrub (2)
Milkweed - several varieties
Giant Milkweed
Native Salvia - red, pink, white
Giant native Salvia - Blue/Black, and Fuschia
Narrow leaf sunflowers
Coriopsis - several
Spiderwort (2-3 clumps)
Stary Rosenweed
Senna bush
Passionflower vine
Powder Puff tree
Several iris varieties
Dahoon Holly tree
Porterweed Groundcover
Porterweed - large Peach color
Bidens Alba
Blue Curls shrub
Bee Balm
Golden Dew Drop
Cigar Plant Shrub
Lion's Ear Shrub
Several other plants/shrubs that are not native, but are great pollinators.

2826 Thistle Court East
2826 Thistle Court East
2826 Thistle Court East
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