292 Talmadge Hill Rd
Not sure what's native, but we've got: oak, maple, wild raspberries, azalea, lilac (a range), wisteria, forsythia, hydrangea, bleeding heart, rhododendron, dogwood, various evergreens, poison ivy
Up against the train tracks at Talmadge Hill. At least half of property is woods, plus a few huge tracts of dense, impenetrable brush. Have a couple of lawns (grass and local weeds and wildflowers) and some other spaces we keep trimmed down. No pesticides used on property for decades. Lots of fallen trees and one big brush and mulch pile. Four to five permanent feeding stations for birds and small mammals. Five water containers changed daily. Tons of birds (approx 20 species) and bugs, including bees, wasps, bumblebees, fireflies, cave crickets--god knows what else