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34 ridge road
Oak, maple, hickory beech, tulip, dogwood, witchazel, elderberry, bayberry oakleaf hydranga, clethra, purpke flowering raspberry, spice bush, ninebark, maple leaf viburnum, azalea, bayberry, ferns, wild ginger, blue and cardinal lobelia, showy, downy, canada goldenrod, white wood aster, heart leaved aster and 3 other asters, coreopsis, amsonia, induan pink, violets, whorled loosstrife, white snakeroot, ruella, trillium, dwarf crested iris, jewel weed, common, whorled and purple milkweed, bugbane, penstemon, bluestem, virginia creeper, mayapple, green and gold, woidland phlox, solomons seal, closed bottle gentian, liatris, helianthus, coneflowers, zizia, pearly everlasting, ragwort, fringtree, joepye, various sedges
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