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36 Putney Rd

Clethra alnifolia, Black Chokeberry, Florida Dogwood, Redbud, Service berry, coral honeysuckle, New Jersey Tea, Low grow sumac, Highbush blueberry, Redtwig Dogwood, Arrowwood viburnum, cranberry viburnum, wild geranium, fringed bleeding heart, creeping phlox, woodland phlox, foam flower, chrysogonum virginianum, cone flower, black eyed susan, turtle head, swamp milkweed, butterfly weed, Joe pie weed, anise hyssop, big and little bluestem, bear berry, coreopsis, delphinium, columbine, false indigo, and many more.

36 Putney Rd
36 Putney Rd
36 Putney Rd
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