3601 N High St
Coneflower, goldenrod, boneset, rattlesnake master, prairie sage, late figwort, common milkweed

Columbus Fire Station 19 is a historical property with a significantly sized lot, located right along the main corridor of High St and nearby the locations of the Clintonville Farmer's Market, Whetstone Park, many local businesses, and entrances to residential streets in the heart of Clintonville.
In 2021, the green committee of the Clintonville Area Commission, at the time known as Clintonville GreenSpot and later becoming the Clintonville Green Team, began to work on the station grounds. In May 2022, the committee planted pollinator gardens on-site with a small grant from Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District and the efforts of local volunteers and partners such as Columbus Division of Fire, OSU Dept of Entomology, FLOW, and others.
The project continues as the volunteer team enhances the gardens, performs seasonal maintenance, assists with other station projects such as rehabilitating the station's street-facing signage, and works with the firefighters who are ultimately responsible for the station grounds. The committee also has thrown a Community Day and helped with the station's annual Open House events.
The station gardens are signifcant in size for an urban space and make use of the location as a demonstration project, intended to educate the public about native plants and pollinators. Signage and other features are regularly seen by passersby.