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510 Bunker Hill Rd

I have over 300 native plants and shrubs. Viburnam, red bud, clethra, witch hazel, red twig dogwood, elderberry, nine bark, choke berry, high and low bush blueberry, steeple bush, buttonbush, winter berry, arctic willow, white pine, oak, maple, birch, pin cherry, beech, serviceberry, ink berry holly, spice bush, NJ tea, Virginia rose are among the shrubs and trees. I have slender mountain mint, liatris, obedient plant, blue lupine, cut leaf cone flower, several other coneflower, petstemon, hairy beard tongue, ny iron weed, coreposis, sweet William, aster, goldenrod, many different type of fern, wild ginger, goldenrod, big and little boneset, nodding onion, asters, little blue eyed grass, violets, milkweed both common and swamp, bearberry, juniper, delphinium, blue lobelia, boneset, figwort, wild raspberry, wild strawberry, yellow and blue false indigo, golden Alexander, senna, blanket flower, and more I am sure.

510 Bunker Hill Rd
510 Bunker Hill Rd
510 Bunker Hill Rd
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