61 Spruce Mill Ln
there is large area of protected trees growing behind complex. Birds are everywhere and constantly singing especially cardinals and song sparrow finches w

Began planting perrenial flowers most Natives as nectar sources 3 summers ago. French lavender is popular ALL day for honey bees and bumbles, Coneflower, catmint is HUGE bumble bee and honeybee attraction, sage bloomed gorgeous purple flowers this spring, calendula, peppermint, beebalm, native wild bergament and calico beardtongue planted this spring, (no flowers yet) narrowleaf milkweed returned and is happily spreading all over, cosmos, marigolds, viola, coreopsis, garlic chives I See yellow skippers, bumbles, honeys, tiny fairy bees, last year chinese asters from seed were gorgeous and attracted lots of unusual skippers and bees, cardinal flower did not return this year..attracted hummingbirds ....My garden is on DO NOT SPRAY LIST when True Green sprays property as per management. Looking forward to adding more flowers after heat wave calms down and host plants for catapillars.I leave leaf litter in garden over winter.Looking forward to posting your beautiful sign. LOVE MY GARDEN every day and its the first place I visit in morning.