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709 Jacaranda Dr

firebush, Simpson's stopper, yaupon holly, prostrate porterweed, wild coffee, Joe Pye weed, white twine vine milkweed, seaside goldenrod, wood sage, twinflower, Walter's viburnum,, yellow anise, golden canna, privet senna, tropical sage, wild petun,

709 Jacaranda Dr
709 Jacaranda Dr
709 Jacaranda Dr

In the front, I've removed lawn and added a native and Florida-friendly pollinator garden to otherwise tropical plants.

In the back, 10 Mexican petunias were removed and replaced with native plants and vines. In the conservation area behind our yard, I removed exotic palms and giant bird of paradise as well as sword ferns, torpedo grass and Mexican petunias. The forest is mostly laurel oak, slash pine and saw palmetto. We put native plants and seeds in.

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