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8 Kescayogansett Rd

Inkberry, sweet pepperbush, northern bayberry, red chockberry, black chockberry, viburnum, eastern red cedar, tupelo, white pine, arrowwood, high tide bush, milkweed, aster, bee balm, mountain laurel, river birch, beach plum, native grass mixes, etc.

8 Kescayogansett Rd
8 Kescayogansett Rd
8 Kescayogansett Rd

We've planted entirely native shrubs, trees and grasses on the coastal bank that rises 35 feet up from Lonnie's Pond (a tidal salt pond that leads to Little Pleasant Bay). Additionally, we've planted native grasses and three wildflower meadows along the front of the property, with paths that wander through them. This is our third year with two beehives.

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