Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Mountain mint, spotted bee balm, white wood aster, golden groundsel, anise-scented goldenrod, little bluestem grass, foam flower, wild columbine, golden Alexanders, dwarf iris, hyssop-leaved boneset, nodding onion, mistflower, butterfly milkweed, wild bergamot, oxy-eye sunflower, prairie dropseed grass, smooth leaved penstemon/beard tongue, blue-stemmed goldenrod, sweet pepperbush, shadbush, elderberry, witch hazel, aromatic sumac, and fothergilla.
The property is the headquarters of the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC), a founding member of the Pollinator Pathway Cape Cod. APCC's mission is to preserve, protect and enhance the Cape's natural resources with a focus on protecting water quality and critical habitat and taking action on climate change. Learn more at