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Association to Preserve Cape Cod

Mountain mint, spotted bee balm, white wood aster, golden groundsel, anise-scented goldenrod, little bluestem grass, foam flower, wild columbine, golden Alexanders, dwarf iris, hyssop-leaved boneset, nodding onion, mistflower, butterfly milkweed, wild bergamot, oxy-eye sunflower, prairie dropseed grass, smooth leaved penstemon/beard tongue, blue-stemmed goldenrod, sweet pepperbush, shadbush, elderberry, witch hazel, aromatic sumac, and fothergilla.

Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Association to Preserve Cape Cod

The property is the headquarters of the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC), a founding member of the Pollinator Pathway Cape Cod. APCC's mission is to preserve, protect and enhance the Cape's natural resources with a focus on protecting water quality and critical habitat and taking action on climate change. Learn more at

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