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Girl Scouts Silver Award Pollinator Garden

Girl Scouts Silver Award Pollinator Garden
Girl Scouts Silver Award Pollinator Garden
Girl Scouts Silver Award Pollinator Garden

To satisfy the requirements for their Silver Award Project, Girl Scouts Emerson Dunning and Katrina Harris, of Troop #62191, decided to plant a Pollinator Pathway Garden on a sloped area behind the First Church Congregational in Clinton. With the guidance of  Master Gardener Sherry Smith, it was decided to remove the sod to plant during the same season. The girls replaced the topsoil, added compost, and were ready to plant. After being offered several native plant options, the girls selected native pollinator plants: Mountain Mint, Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Liatris, Salvia and Butterfly Weed as the backbone of the garden. Donated annuals were planted to add color in the first year. The girls were dedicated and determined; watering their new garden daily to keep ahead of the 2022 drought. The garden is now in its second year and the native plants are flourishing. It’s a job well done by the Girl Scouts – our next generation of environmental stewards!

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