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Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge

Native shrubs, trees, host plants and nectar/pollen flowers that bloom from early spring (March) to late all (November).
Viburnums, dogwoods, spicebush, nannyberry, ninebark, highbush cranberry, winterberry, basswood, chestnuts, fruit trees, milkweed, asters (NY, NE, Blue, Aromatic, white wood), spring ephemerals, butterfly weed, Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus, anise hyssop, Joe Pye Weed, holly, andromeda (for spring queen bumblebees), crocosmia, daisy mum, oxeye daisy, turtlehead, cardinal flower, purple coneflower, etc.

Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge
Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge
Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge

These refuge gardens have been started in 2013 where five gardens were created throughout the refuge, and specifically at trail heads. Since then we have added two more gardens. They can be appreciated at Jehu Pond, Red Brook, Pickerel Cove, near the Mashpee Community gardens and at Santuit River parking lot. 

At the Falmouth Rod and Gun Club, our Friends group, along with the club members, established monarch meadows in 5 acres of old fields.

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