Pollinator Pathway

Welcome to the Bend Pollinator Pathway!
The Bend Pollinator Pathway is the first native pollinator habitat connectivity project in our region. Based on the success of this program out of the Northeastern United States, the plan is to grow to include all communities throughout Central Oregon and beyond.
The goal of a Pollinator Pathway is to create a corridor of contiguous native pollinator gardens throughout our community using the adjacent lands of residents, businesses, parks and open spaces. The end result will be the connection of habitat within the range of most of our native pollinators.

Pollinator Gardens in Bend
How to “Bee” Part of the Bend Pollinator Pathway
Plant Native Plants
Wildflowers, shrubs and trees native to this area evolved with our local pollinators and provide them with the best nutrition and shelter for them to thrive
Plant for continuous bloom throughout the spring, summer and fall
Best to plant in blocks of the same species as it helps the pollinators to easily find their favorite food source as well as revisit that spot once discovered.
Go Pesticide-Free
This means a healthy yard for your children and pests, too
Consider organic alternatives to fertilizers and mulch
Provide Water
A water feature such as a birdbath, fountain or a natural water source
Create Nesting Habitat
Leave some bare dirt patches for native ground nesting bees - especially helpful if they are south-facing, sun-warmed spots
Leave the leaves and save the stems for overwintering bees, butterflies and other insects. Stems can be cut back in late spring to varying heights from 8”-24” for different species of stem-nesting bees.
Don’t fret the small stuff. If you are lucky enough to attract them to your yard, leaf cutter bees use small pieces of leaves to create nests for their young. Look for these telltale signs that Leafcutter bees are nearby.
Rethink the Lawn
Leave grass clippings on your lawn rather than adding chemicals
Mow less often, every 2-3 weeks is better than weekly
Convert some of all of your lawn to native trees, shrubs or flowers
Show Your Support
Once you have created pollinator habitat in your yard or business property, you may purchase and display a medallion sign to let others know what you are doing and why.
The Pollinator Pathway Pledge
I pledge to support and protect local pollinators by adding native plants and refraining from the use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. I will also Leave the Leaves and Save the Stems for year-round nesting habitat.